While acting worldwide and supplying products to private and public interiors, the aim of Lithuanian Design Cluster is to grow the responsibility in production – to work upon circular economy rules, use in production re-cycled raw materials, work on sustainable packing, while avoiding plastic etc.

Very important thing for us is learning and sharing experience.

Beside our associated members we are in active cooperation with supporting members:

And our collaboration partners:


Lithuanian Design Cluster is open for various cooperation:

  • We are looking forwards to offer our production possibilities in private label field
  • We are organized in the way of becoming a one stop supplier for contract market, including a team, coming for installation.
  • We are open for a new members in interior and furniture design and production fields
  • We are open for collaboration with other clusters and organizations, in terms of projects applications, experience sharing
  • Do you have an idea, why you should join Lithuania Design Cluster – please write us.